White Paper #1: Income, Surviving Joe Biden’s America

Jim Rickards here.

And since Joe Biden swindled his way into office…

Your income is under constant, daily attack.

His inflation is raising your prices…

His policies are raising your taxes and hurting your 401K…

And the result is a massive blow to your net-income.

Well, I believe enough is enough.

Today I’m going to introduce you to the ONE man in America that can help protect you — and your family — from Joe Biden.

And first you need to understand why…

When it comes to income, ‘THE BANKER’ is my #1 pick…

…and that’s saying a lot.

Because my network — particularly my financial connections — run deep.

In the 1980s, I worked as one of Wall Street’s highest paid lawyers…

Advising CEOs of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citi Group, and Bank of America on a regular basis.

During this time, my work led me to build strong connections at the Federal Reserve as well.

Which would be extremely important in the 1990s…

As I was the principal negotiator for $3.6 billion bailout between the Fed and Nobel Prize winning economists at hedge fund, Long Term Capital Management…

Alan Greenspan would later weigh in on this situation…

Noting that if we didn’t get this deal done, we were only hours away from a worldwide financial collapse.

So, I’m not trying to brag…

I’m just telling you — I’ve been at the center of some of America’s most important conversations.

And after doing this for 50 years…

I’ve built important friendships that include some of America’s richest… most powerful… and influential people.

I have access to decades-worth of America’s top economists… government officials… military generals… intelligence insiders… institutional bankers… and even award-winning scientists.

Photos of Jim Rickards with Ben Bernanke, Rick Perry, and Tim Geithner

But you know what’s more important than that?

I have access to the Wall Street geniuses who manage their money.

And that brings me to what’s happening this .

Because now that you’re a member of my rolodex, you are getting unrestricted access to these elite financial minds too.

Starting with the man who I deem the #1 Portfolio Expert in America today…

In my rolodex he’s listed as — “THE BANKER”.

Why do I call him that?

It’s because ‘The Banker’ can “bank” huge, market-crushing profits — while other hedge fund managers blow up their accounts.

For instance…

In 2022, you probably know that the S&P 500 collapsed by nearly 20%…

This was one of the 7 worst years for the stock market since 1929.

Putting it on par with The Great Depression… the dot-com bubble… and the 2008 recession…

And as you can imagine…

Plenty of Wall Street’s so-called “top” hedge fund managers learned that they have no business directing tens of billions of dollars.

Hedge fund, D1 Capital Partners posted cumulative losses over 60% — evaporating $7 billion in client capital…

Another big loser — Tiger Global — tanked by 57%. Losing an estimated $41 billion for their investors…

And of course, I have to mention Cathie Wood, who mastered the art of losing her clients’ money. With a very impressive loss of 67%.

In total, funds like these racked up $208 billion in losses throughout 2022.

And that brings me back to The Banker…

Because while most hedge funds were bleeding money, he constructed one of the most impressive — and lucrative — portfolios I’ve ever seen.

The Banker wasn’t bleeding. He was leading. Last year he made 190% in his model portfolio. These are REAL trades he closed in his own account.

And yes, that figure already factors in any of his losing trades.

So, in other words, The Banker collected 2-decades’ worth of market returns…

…and he did this during one of the worst stock markets in 50 years.

And the main reason I want you to meet him…

…is not just that he knows how put together a winning portfolio.

More importantly it’s exactly HOW he does it.

You see, The Banker doesn’t just buy and hold stocks for years on end…

Instead, he trades with one very specific goal in mind…

…fast-paced income.

On average, ALL of The Banker’s trades closed in 10 days or less.

And after carefully reviewing his brokerage statements, his trades have delivered returns of 57%… 85%… even 166%…

…which could mean income of $6,494 in 4 days… $10,617 in 6 days… and even $13,204 in 2 days.


It’s no surprise that Calamity Joe Biden is single-handedly taking America down.

Rampant inflation…

Redistribution of wealth…

Regulations that are hitting the middle, and upper middle class, like a tax…


Wildly volatile markets.

Enough is enough. Americans like you need a real way to make gains — and income — in today’s market.

And on , YOU are going to learn every little nuance about how The Banker does it.

It all revolves around a special, high-probability income strategy that he has been using for 20 years.

This strategy made him one of the most in-demand hedge fund managers for the ultra-wealthy…

It also helped him beat the combined performance of Ray Dalio… David Tepper… and Ken Griffin in the same calendar year.

And of course, it has also allowed The Banker to build consistent wealth — and fast-paced income — even during history’s worst markets.

And if you want a shot at learning how to do that for yourself…

…this could be your last chance.

So please, do not miss this opportunity to learn from the most important man in my rolodex.


Keep a very close eye on your email inbox…

Because tomorrow afternoon I’m going to send you another critically important email.

It will help you understand WHY The Banker is disclosing his deepest — and most lucrative — trading secrets…

…it could also give you an idea of exactly how much could be made in a single month with The Banker’s tactics (Hint: it’s a lot)…

And in the meantime, I have 3 important questions for you…


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Jim Rickards