White Paper #2: The American Income Crisis. Joe Biden wants every last dime… Will you let him win?

Jim Rickards here.

On , you are going to meet the most important man in my rolodex.

I call him “THE BANKER”.

He’s a former hedge fund titan…

He’s worked for some of America’s wealthiest families…

And today, he’s the only man in America that knows how to successfully fight back against Joe Biden’s war on your income.

That’s why you need to be there this at ET.

Because he’ll be unveiling an income targeting strategy – one that’s allowed him to bank several, fast returns of 57%... 85%... and 166%...

These gains could’ve led Americans – like you – to extra income of $6,492 in 4 days… $10,617 in 6 days… and even $13,204 in 2 days.

So, I truly believe there is no excuse to miss this meeting with The Banker on .

In fact, your absence could prove to be costly.

If you read below…

You’ll see I’ve attached a highly important message from The Banker.

This will give you a better understanding of what this former $20 million hedge fund manager will be teaching us on .

So please read the message below carefully…


I’ve attached a critical P.S. at the very bottom – with some urgent instructions for you.

Please, do yourself a favor and read it in full.


Subject Line: The American Income Crisis


I’ve never been more concerned about “what’s next” for the American people.

That’s why – for the last year – I’ve been working on an income project that could help everyday people target 52 additional income opportunities.

And I think this might be the only way to save people from Joe Biden’s America.

It seems like everyday our President makes wrong decision after wrong decision.

It wasn’t enough that he propelled us into historic inflation rates – higher than some third world countries like Cambodia…

He’s also imposed $17 billion in new taxes on “non-rich” Americans.

And his latest, extreme policy will – I kid you not – penalize Americans for having a “Good” credit score…

Forcing them to subsidize low-credit mortgages.

You can’t make this kind of stuff up, Jim.

This level of deliberate, economic sabotage is like a joke.

Except I know none of us are laughing…

When there are articles about sandwiches costing $29… (I mean even in NYC that’s ridiculous).

And a steak dinner for a family of four could easily warrant a $500 bill…

What the heck are Americans supposed to do?

The New York Post reported that 66% of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

That means 2 out of every 3 Americans likely can’t afford an emergency medical expense…

They also can’t afford anything considered to be a “luxury” – like vacations.

And this isn’t just happening in low-income households…

In March, TIME Magazine revealed that 50% of American’s earning $100,000, or more, live paycheck to paycheck too.

And Jim, let’s be honest…

Is Joe Biden’s economic sabotage going to have the worst effect on me... or my former ultra-wealthy clients?

Of course not.

Instead, what’s happening will devastate hard working American families.

The middle class…

The UPPER middle class…

Even those with high paying salaries are in jeopardy of being trapped economically.

I’m talking about only affording the essentials – and nothing else.

I’m talking about being forced to delay their retirements by a year… 5 years… or even a decade.

And even worse, several retirees will probably burn through their nest eggs and be forced to go back to work.

But Jim…

As grim as it all sounds…

I believe that I’m sitting on a REAL solution to this American Income Crisis.

It all centers around something I’ll reveal this at ET.

And for the last 20 years, I have been using this to build wealth for my clients – some very high net worth clients.

This unique system allows me to assess the markets for high-probability income events…

…and when I zero in on them…

I’ve been able to make trades that generate massive amounts of money in 10 days or less…

For instance, recently I made a trade on Nvidia. It made me 114% in 10 days.

Another one of these trades, on Amazon, made me 117% in 4 days.

And I also made a massive 166% on Atlassian in just 2 days.

These REAL trades could’ve produced income of $11,934… $13,385… and $13,204…

And Jim – these aren’t flukes…

I’ve been doing this for 2-decades.

And last year alone, I closed 163 winning, “income trades” – just like these.

See for yourself – these are the real trades I closed in my $100K model portfolio in November…

table show rows of completed trades, table is titled Closed Positions for November 2022

I locked in $40,747 in pure profit that month.

And again…

The reason I’m able to do this –– is because of my high-probability income framework.

It actually works very simply. And it’s easy enough that anyone can follow along, and make these types of ‘income trades’ on a regular basis.

That’s why I wanted to share this with you Jim.

Because I know you have a large audience of everyday American people.

And I believe that what I reveal on may be their best chance to target extra income in 2023 and beyond.

I use it to make consistent trades that’ve made me 57%... 85%... even 166%...

That could’ve been profits of of $6,494 in 4 days… $10,617 in 6 days… and even $13,204 in 2 days.

Tomorrow, I can send you detailed information regarding how it works.

And if you think a few of your most loyal would be interested in a way to target income like this…

…and more importantly, they want to do it in a way that has been properly vetted and tested with tens of millions of hedge fund dollars…

…then you are more than welcome to share my strategy with them.

Just let me know how I can help.


I hope it’s clear…

The Banker has carefully refined this income strategy, with one goal in mind…

To show people how ‘The Banker’ made 57% in 4 days… 85% in 6 days… 166% in 2 days…

…this could’ve led to income of $6,494… $10,617… and even $13,204…

…and I believe this is the best way to combat Joe Biden’s negligent economic destruction.

You’ve seen how much income The Banker’s tactics have generated…

You’ve also witnessed his ability to outperform Ray Dalio… Ken Griffin… and David Tepper in the same calendar.

But beating the world’s top hedge fund managers still isn’t the most impressive part.

Tomorrow, you are going to see exactly what I mean.

So, stay on the lookout for my next email.

And in the meantime…

If you haven’t answered these 3 short questions… please do so now.

Your answer will help me prepare for ’s meeting with The Banker.


Jim Rickards signature
Jim Rickards