White Paper #3: How to Beat Biden at His Own Game

Today you are going to see the method that grew The Banker’s model portfolio 190% in 2022.

It all centers around a unique form of market indicators — which you will see in a moment.

They’ve led The Banker to lightning-fast returns of 57% in 4 days… 85% in 6 days… and even 166% in 2 days.

These trades delivered him massive profits of $6,492… $10,617… and even $13,203…

And with 163 winning trades under his belt in a single year…

The Banker is easily one of America’s most decorated experts in the field of income.

And that’s why ’s meeting with him is a “must-attend” event.

Because, in Joe Biden’s America, your income is in a chokehold.

Every day you’re paying higher prices…

You’re getting taxed more…

And your 401K… pension… or other retirement accounts are flatlining.

But The Banker has proven — there is still a way beat Joe Biden’s economy… and build wealth.

Here’s How The Banker Was Able To Dominate The Worst Market In History

First you need to look at this Expedia chart…

stock chart

It probably looks like a somewhat standard stock chart…

Expedia was cratering in price, and from the outside, most investors wouldn’t have touched this stock with a 10 foot pole.

But you can clearly notice something unique here.

I’m talking about the color-coded lights across the bottom.

And if you look even closer…

You’ll notice the green lights.

3 of them, perfectly aligned.

What happened next?

stock chart


Expedia exploded in price — right after the 3 lights turned green.

That means, if you timed your trade perfectly with those green lights…

It could’ve been a 96% profit.

And this is exactly what The Banker did.

He made $10,506 in just 7 days.

Most people never get a chance at that kind of money — especially in that short of a timeframe.

But for The Banker, it was simple.

All He Had to Do Was Buy When All 3 Lights Turned Green…

…and the second one of these lights changed to a different color…

He sold Expedia for massive profits.

And here it is again…

This time we’re looking at another one of The Banker’s trades — on a company called Palo Alto Networks.

stock chart

Again, what do you notice?

On the 25th of the month — all 3 vertical lights turned green.

That was The Banker’s ‘BUY’ signal.

And just 7 days later — when one of the lights changed colors…

…that was his ‘SELL’ signal.

stock chart

Once again, The Banker timed this trade perfectly.

Collecting a fast, 67% profit on Palo Alto.

Making him $8,339 in just a week.

And this is no fluke.

The Banker times ALL his trades perfectly with these lights.

And even factoring his losing trades, the total return of his model portfolio has still grown by 190% in a year.

In fact…

These lights — called “matrix” indicators — have led The Banker to 163 winning income trades in just 12-month.

The Banker has mastered the art of making fast income trades around this dynamic, color changing matrix.

And it has been his secret weapon — making him huge profits…

And all he has to do is align his trades with these lights.

For instance, when all 3 lights turn green — like they did right here on GLD…

stock chart

This gives The Banker a strong indication that a stock price is moving up very fast.

And as you can see, he made 53% on GLD.

That was enough to hand him $5,779 in 8 days.

And if YOU knew how to visualize these lights — like The Banker does…

…you could’ve made big money on this trade.

And that’s exactly what you are going to learn about

’S AGENDA: Learn How The Banker Uses This Color-Coded Matrix to Make 57% in 4 Days… 85% in 6 Days… and Even 166% in 2 Days…

Again, it’s not too complicated.

He just waits for the lights to align — in a specific arrangement…

…and when they do…

The Banker’s special ‘income trades’ have made him profits of $6,429… $10,617… and even $13,203.

And over the course of a year, The Banker averaged 3 winning trades per week… Leading him to an overall model portfolio gain of 190%.

Allowing him to beat out the very best hedge fund managers in the world… During one of the worst markets in history.

So, in the right hands, the amount of income that could be made with this strategy is lifechanging.

And that’s why I believe The Banker’s income matrix is the only way to successfully navigate Joe Biden’s economy.

Instead of fighting against this up-and-down market — and losing…

This strategy allows you a chance to go with it — and win.

Giving you an easy-to-follow method of when stocks are likely to go up…

…when they will go down…

And if you know exactly how to play these ups-and-downs…

Pretty much any market can be a bull market.

You just need to learn HOW to interpret these lights.

On at , that is exactly what The Banker will be demonstrating.

So, I highly recommend you do NOT miss this massive event.

Because if you aren’t there , you will probably never know the secret behind The Banker’s matrix.

And that means you will never have a shot at closing dozens of winning incomes trade…

…like The Banker does every single month…

And without a strategy to produce extra income — you will just be another victim of Joe Biden’s economy.

He already ruined America’s 401Ks…

He robbed the middle class — raising their taxes by a combined $17 billion…

And now he wants people like YOU to help pay for low-credit criminals’ and drug dealers’ mortgage payments.

Truthfully, who knows what Biden has planned next…

But I DO know one thing…

If you learn The Banker’s income secret, you may finally be free from Biden’s economic chokehold.

And at ET, you have the chance.

I’ll see you then.

Jim Rickards signature
Jim Rickards